Why Does Road Construction Take So Long? | Extension Rod

Functioning roadways are essential to our society. Just think of all the traveling people do in their everyday lives — commuting to work, taking a trip to the grocery store, traveling to religious services or going to the gym. According to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the average person drives about 13,476 miles in a year. That figure breaks down into around 1,100 miles per person per month, or about 37 miles per day.

Since we spend so much time on the road, it’s only natural to wonder why road construction takes so long. Often, it’s simply a result of the standard process. After all, when it comes to high-risk industries like construction, slow and steady is the way to go to maintain safety. 

Many other factors can affect construction timelines. In this post, we’ll discuss these causes and suggest some steps you can take to keep your projects on track.

Jump to a section:

  • The Planning Phase
  • Project Execution
  • What Can Cause a Project to Fail?