5 Facts You May Not Have Known About CAT Construction Equipment

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When it comes to purchasing construction equipment, from bulldozers to Allied rammers, the yellow “CAT” logo is ubiquitous. Seen on nearly every construction site in America, this company has a long and storied history that you may not have known about. Read on to learn five little-known facts about the company that manufacturers the machinery that makes modern construction possible.

  • “CAT” is a shortened name. The full name of the company is “Caterpillar Inc,” but was not the equipment manufacturing company’s first name—the original name was “Holt Manufacturing Company,” named after founder Benjamin Holt.
  • The company is over 100 years old. The first Holt product was introduced in 1904, making the CAT company 114 years old.
  • Their breakout products were tractors. In the early 1900s, tractors were incredibly heavy, and frequently sunk into the soil thanks to their massive weight. CAT founder Benjamin Holt’s first product was the continuous track tractor that eliminated the need to dig tractors out of the dirt after a heavy rain.
  • CAT products played a key role in World War I. Before the United States entered World War I, CAT machinery played a key support role for allies. Holt had shipped 1,200 tractors to England, France, and Russia for agricultural support, but these governments chose to send the tractors onto the battlefield for use in hauling supplies over rough terrain. The Holt tractor was even once referred to as “one of the most important military vehicles of all time.”
  • CAT sells a line of clothing as well. In addition to construction equipment, CAT also offers their own line of branded apparel available on their website. Safety vests, boots, and even children’s T-shirts are just a few of the products currently offered.

In need of a new a CAT H115 hammer or another type of Allied hammer? Hydraulic Breaker Services, Hydraulic Magnet is here to support you and your business. Give us a call today for a free quote.